Metro city
A world of whimsical inspired by Starck style and refined sophistication comes to Panama
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제목 Project 01 2015-02-27 10:34:06
대표이미지 image1.jpg (file size 416KB)
작성자 mainadmin_26
조회 1,342


This large-scale mixed use redevelopment complex will become a new landmark for Moscow, featuring offices, retail, sports and amusement facilities, hotels and residences. The 23ha master plan for Metropoliya is inspired by the form of a sunflower, the flower of Russia. The shopping mall located at the center of the development connecting all 10 buildings is designed to allow direct access from the subway station. In order accommodate the traffic demands of the projected 80 thousand working population, an underground road network connecting all parking spaces is designed. The project features state-of-the-art environmental technologies with an extensive use of renewable energies including natural lighting and ventilation, aiming to lead by example in environmental protection.

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